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ویلاهای شگفت انگیز در استانبول - Beylikduzu در مجتمع ویلاهای بسیار پیشرفته با قیمت مناسب برای شهروندی ترکیه
Promotion information
Apartment space
480 - 540
Pigeon population
Balkin's enumeration
Peruja area
پیلک دوازو
استانبول اروپایی
This is what you want
انتقاد (مناسب برای شهروندی ترکیه)
This is a very hot area
Istanbul has two important military shooting zones, one in general, and one in Turkey, in a special one, with a perspective of reassurance about the weapons shooting.
This is a sign in this area
Space in the apartment
480 - 540
A reality for a month
This is a guide to your proximity to Farwan service centres, so that it is important for you to see and where you can see the areas of my life in a month that is calculated.
مركز تسوق, بلدية, مساجد, مشفى, مدارس, اطفائية, ماركت, حديقة, مركز شرطة, مستوصف, سوق شعبي, صالون رياضي, مركز المدينة, جامعة
What is this promo: Additional means of carrying and transporting, including:
حافلة نقل, مينوبوس, موقف الحافلات
Please be advised that this information will be monitored and monitored, and we will provide you with additional services to ensure that you are reassured that this is your specialty.
مكان لركن السيارة, مصعد, مدخل, حديقة, مرحاض, مسبح, حمام, ممر واسع, سلم, مطبخ, مفاتيح كهربائية, درابزين
This apartment's interior design
The place where the inscription is narrated
The effectiveness of the property is variable, and there is a clear and clear accreditation, and the most important thing is to try to complete all the affirmative and negative jokes in the context of the buyer's offer. Take a statement. The experience of buyers when traveling to Turkey varies greatly.
- Catalya property has a disgraceful appearance, including 5 royal and legal consultations, with buyers seeking their opinions.
- All financial transactions related to Catalya’s property are made according to an official registration and legal decision, including the company’s title and the buyer’s rights in the company’s contract.
- What is the best way to find a source of information and distinguished links in a private trade, household, or property? Make a suitable selection to see a promotion for buyers.
- Catalia Properties is having a problem with consultations regarding a new car rental. You can see how to check out the bazaar for a suitable order. You can see this opportunity for purchasing services.
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