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دائماً نضع لكم بالمقدمة أهم المشاريع العقارية المناسبة للجنسية التركية والسكن العائلي
حرصاً منا على إيجاد خياركم المناسب , فريق كتاليا قام بتصنيف مناطق اسطنبول سهولة البحث
مع منصة متطورة للبحث عن العقارات في تركيا يمكنكم البحث في أكثر من 1100 مشروع سكني
فلتر مخصص للبحث عن عقارك بسهولة
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387 Current search results
مشاريع حسب مناطق اسطنبول
خدمات كتاليا العقارية
1- We are in complete contrast to most real estate companies that follow the method of exaggerated persuasion with the customer without explaining the negatives of the property in question. Therefore, the customer is surprised when visiting Turkey that the specifications of the property in question are different.
2- Kataliya property provides more than 5 thousand real estate and legal consultations to its clients on a monthly basis.
3- All financial transactions in kataliya propertyshall be conducted in accordance with official methods and statutory contracts guaranteeing the right of the company and the customer simultaneously.
4- We secure the choice of the best offer for our clients wishing to invest or own in terms of location and investment factors through our huge database or through our distinctive relationships in the construction and real estate environment.
5- Kataliya propert has a specialized engineering and consultancy team with careful study procedures to obtain the most appropriate opportunities while keeping abreast of market developments on a continuous basis
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